Meeting Deliciously Ella and trying a plant-based lifestyle

Meeting Deliciously Ella. This week I got to finally meet the plant-based queen, Ella Woodward at Harrods, London.

Before buying Deliciously Ella’s first book (review here), I would never have really known or understood how to live on a plant-based diet. I wouldn’t have learnt about the different plant milks, properly understood the benefits of various nuts and seeds, and overall how to replace the things my body would be otherwise missing.

That all being said, you can imagine my excitement for the release of the second Deliciously Ella book, Deliciously Ella Every Day and it made sense to try and time the purchase with a signing so I could meet her.

Deliciously Ella Every Day

Meeting Deliciously Ella

Meeting Deliciously Ella was a really positive experience, as there’s always a worry about meeting your idols. Ella was as friendly and lovely as she comes across in the media and on her blog and social media. Rather than say how much I love her book, I thought I would instead congratulate her on her upcoming wedding (one bride-to-be to another ‘n all). She then asked me about my upcoming wedding and it turns out we’re both getting married in April.

Deliciously Ella

Trying a plant-based lifestyle

Since trying a vegan/plant-based lifestyle, my body doesn’t miss meat and thrives on vegetables and the like and exploring the journey has in many ways given me a new found enjoyment for food preparation and recipe discovery. I also feel great both in body and mind (despite wedding stress, but that aside).

To be fair, my diet changes haven’t been dramatic so my body hasn’t suddenly had to cope with a complete change of diet, and I feel better on the inside. While I don’t believe everything I read, there is a lot out there now on the benefits of living meat and dairy free (see Cowspiracy for example).

For now I now live a 90% plant-based lifestyle –that 10% allows me the flexibility to not deny myself the odd non-vegan treat if I feel I want it or if I’m in a situation where I cannot avoid eating something with dairy in it.

Ultimately, I’m doing this because I enjoy it and not because I think eating animals and animal products wrong.

Have any of you bought either or both of the Deliciously Ella books?

Until next time x

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