The Perks of Short Hair

Hey Sweeties,

Since the well documented fact that not so long ago I decided that long hair was no longer my thing, I thought I would update you on how life with shorter hair is. To no surprise (the title is a bit of a giveaway), I love having shorter hair and therefore I thought I would put into words, the perks!

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For some context, I used to HATE the thought of short hair and short for me was anything above the small of my back. I did once lop all of my long hair off before because I think I just wanted something completely different and this was when I was in my mid-teens. Biggest mistake ever. Although it suited me, I hated it, it was just not the thing to do then and it wasn’t me at all. It’s like Rapunzel chopping her hair off, she changed and lost her powers… not that I had any of course, but you know what I mean.  View Full Post

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